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A "Victim" of Circumstance

Jun 23, 2023

I recently read an article about someone being a victim of circumstance. 

A victim of circumstance is a person perceived to be in a difficult or unfortunate situation primarily due to external factors beyond their control. That certainly can happen. 

While you can not always control circumstances, you usually have a choice if you remain a victim. The alternative is to use the circumstance as a catalyst for growth and change. 

Remaining a victim keeps you trapped in that circumstance. It can become someone's identity. Victims can struggle in business, their careers, relationships, and overall happiness. They're stuck as a victim.

However, those who take responsibility for what happened can emerge from the circumstance stronger. Grow from it. Taking responsibility does not mean you are to blame for the circumstance. Instead, it means you maintain your power. You are not letting the circumstance take it from you.

How do you do that? It's taking action. The answer is in the what. What will you do to move forward despite the circumstance?

The article should have referred to the person as a "person" of circumstance. Or maybe a "former" victim of circumstance. Hopefully, they aren't still a victim of circumstance.

Remember: Circumstances are not usually optional. Being a victim of one usually isn't either.