Doug Fleener's

The Day Makes the Year

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The Someday Trap

Jun 06, 2023

A trap can capture, deceive, or harm someone or something. Relying on ‘someday’ does just that. I’ve seen people die because ‘someday’ they would do something about their addiction. Thank God most people won’t experience that kind of consequence. But waiting for someday will cost people a lot of success in The Day, The Year, and a Lifetime. 

If something is important, do it or plan to do it. Schedule it for a specific day or week. If it is unimportant or just an idea, add it to an ‘Anytime’ list. The word Anytime is much more actionable. It suggests something can be done without restrictions or limitations regarding the specific time or moment. Someday is a vague or indefinite point when something is expected to happen or be accomplished. 

As you can see in the picture, I never put anything on the Someday list. It’s a costly trap.