Doug Fleener's

The Day Makes the Year

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Your Daily Lesson on You

May 30, 2023

For over 30 years, I have been reviewing my day before I go to sleep. Inventories are beneficial for companies and people. I quickly review what I’ve done well, what I could do better, and one takeaway. It could be how I was as a person, a parent, a partner, a friend, a leader, a business owner, and so forth. 

Without fail, I always learn something. I often missed the opportunity not to say or do something. I also recognize when I added to the world instead of detracting from it. This lesson is then carried into the next day to try to be and do better.

If you aren’t in the habit of finding a daily lesson on you, I highly recommend you try it. The ROI on a couple of minutes it takes to do is incredible. You can review the day before you go to bed. Before you close your eyes. You can do it in your head. You can write in a journal. How you do it isn’t important. What is that you learn from yourself so you can grow daily. 

That’s how the day makes the year. (Makes a life.)